AsAs Union St Printmakers, Simone Tippett regularly curates and co-curates exhibitions, folios
and community print events… Here are some from the past few years…
Photography Belinda Monk Photography
Current UStP Exhibitions
Stay tuned…
2023 exhibition projects to be uploaded soon… For further information, please email Simone.
And more past exhibitions 2020-2022 and pre-2018 also to be added soon.
Past UStP Exhibitions & Events
Community steamroller print event
Sun 17 November 2019
On Sunday 17 November 2019 much fun was had as we inked and printed giant lino blocks with a road roller in the carpark at 6 Manton St Hindmarsh during our 2nd community print event for the year.
For weeks, printmakers from around Adelaide and South Australia enthusiastically carved over 150 small lino blocks especially for us ... And we combined these small art works into one giant lino print around the theme of ‘Summer’.
'Steamroller printing' is fantastic fun. Around the world, printmakers use old steamrollers, road rollers, cricket pitch rollers and water drums to print large-scale relief blocks, made from anything from linoleum, to salvaged plywood and the recycled floors of old gymnasiums.
You can see the 2019 Eventbrite registrations here and here (click for full details of each event).
Teatowels mementos from the event are available for pre-order … $30 (includes postage, no pickup).
Please click here for the teatowel-prints available and here for the order form.
Teatowels will be posted after mid-December 2019 when the ink has dried.
For further information, please email Simone.

UStP @ Bowerbird Design Market 2018
Over the weekend of 23-25 November 2018 Union St Printmakers again featured at Bowerbird Design Market. It was the perfect time to buy original, affordable art for Christmas.
All prints were locally made by UStP artists, hand-pulled prints from hand-made plates. Not a digital print in sight!
Also, no commission - all funds were paid directly to the artist who made the print.
… So if you missed out on something special, that you are keen to buy as a gift, please email Simone and she will put you on touch with the artist concerned. If there are prints left after the weekend, you can purchase direct from the artist. But be warned, as the prints are all limited edition originals, they can sell out!
Click here for the 2018 Bowerbird artist list.
And you can see us as we appeared on Today Tonight on Thursday 21 November 2018 - - fast forward to 2’15” to see some letterpress, screenprinting and lino printing in action.

Collaborative Variations
11 November until 20 December 2018 at Gallery 1855. Click here for the exhibition invitation and for Mei Sheong Wong’s review in the Imprint blog - 'Review of Collaborative Variations'.
An exhibition about the possibilities of collaborating. Adelaide artists have paired with regional South Australian and interstate artists to make collaborative works, against the odds of distance, time constraints, travel and very busy lives. Collaborative Variations is about the nature and form of the relationships that grow from making work together (often despite great distances), with each set of works evidencing the integrity, intimacy and friendship of each unique collaboration, and each pair of artists finding their own new ways to make work, despite all odds. This lovely exhibition shows that collaborations can be many and varied... an inspiration.
Artist pairings:
Caren Florance (ACT artist/printmaker) and Tracy Crisp (Adelaide writer)
Simone Tippett (SA printmaker) and Shags (ACT artist/printmaker)
Vicki Reynolds (SA printmaker) and Ian Tully (NSW printmaker)
Sonya Hender (SA printmaker) and Simone Lyon (regional SA sculptor)
Sandra Starkey Simon (SA printmaker) and Joy-Anne Poppy (SA textile artist)
Lloma Mackenzie (SA printmaker) and Heather Shimmen (Victorian printmaker)
Christobel Kelly (SA artist/printmaker) and Lorelei Medcalf (SA artist/printmaker)
James Parker (SA artist/printmaker) and Helen Carter (SA film maker)
Deborah Miller (SA artist/printmaker) & Reg Moore (SA glider pilot and swimmer)

Where’s my pony?
The second annual Pony exhibition of the 6 Manton Gallery was exhibited as part of SALA in August 2018. Prints by Simone Tippett, Aurelia Carbone, Sally Heinrich, Lorelei Medcalf, Vicki Reynolds and the many printmakers associated with Union St Printmakers. Click for the exhibition invite and for the List of Works. (Some of these works are still for sale. For enquiries, please email Simone.)

Under the Skin + Internal Botany
Under the Skin + Internal Botany were exhibited at Praxis ARTSPACE Fri 11 May 2018 to Fri 8 June 2018. Click here for more details.
Under the Skin: John Blines, Petra Dolezalova Troyn, Jane Disher, Michele Lane, Olga Sankey, Leo Greenfield and Simone Tippett. Curated by Simone Tippett.
Internal Botany: Steph Fuller.

International Print Run: Print Folios
Every few years, four folios of themed prints by South Australian artists are assembled and exhibited as part of the International Print Run . Click here for more details.
Stack of completed folios for the 2017 International Print Run.
Cyanotypes by Sonya Hender, Daniel Headland and Vera Ada. Indigo fabric works by Halinka Harrison, Simone Tippett and Oluwole Oginni. Closing event 6pm Thursday 8 March 2018. Click here for more details.

Mummy, can I have a pony?
aka ‘Where’s my @#%& pony?!’
The inaugural exhibition of the 6 Manton Gallery, just in time for SALA 2017. Prints by Simone Tippett, Sally Heinrich, Lorelei Medcalf, Vicki Reynolds, Julie Pieda, Jodie Smith, Lauren Simeoni, Craig Arnold, Rachel Harris and the many printmakers associated with Union St Printmakers. Click for the exhibition invite and for the List of Works. (Some of these works are still for sale. For enquiries, please email Simone.)